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Image by Luca Lago

Your Italian-American Roots

A Special Offer for my Medium Followers

If you’ve discovered this page, you know how much I love helping people discover their family histories — and especially how much I enjoy connecting folks back to their Italian roots!


For those who follow me on Medium and are of Italian-American ancestry (specifically with Italian ancestors in the US since 1950 or earlier), I’ve created a special “menu” of discounted offerings that might be your ticket to dual US/Italian citizenship.


The services listed below involve your answering some brief questions, so I am able to find the relevant genealogy documents. Please reach out via my contact page to get started or to learn more.

Image by Herry Sutanto

Do I Qualify for Italian Citizenship?

After you answer my questions, I will research your ancestors’ naturalization information.


  • If I find that you likely qualify, I will tell you what you need to do as next steps. 

  • If there is insufficient information based on my initial research, I will guide on how you can likely obtain the necessary information or documents. 

  • If it’s clear that you don’t qualify, I will explain why that's the case.


For all of the above, I’ll provide you with information/images regarding any relevant records or documents I discover.

Discounted Fee: $85

Image by Chris Linnett

Basic “Albero della Famiglia”

Using the information that I discover about your dual citizenship eligibility, I will prepare a separate, basic tree custom to your specific family (albero della famigilia). You'll receive a file and pdf report, along with guidance on how and where you can continue to build your tree.

Discounted Added Fee: $50

Image by Chris Linnett
Image by Damiano Baschiera
Image by Damiano Baschiera


Based on what I discover when researching your Italian ancestors’ naturalization records, I will add a summary of the availability of records for your ancestral village(s) in Italy. You'll receive a report telling you how far back you might be able to trace your tree — as well as how you might connect with distant cousins in Italy.


The report will outline potential next steps as well, such as:


  • How we might work further together, based on a small package of my research time.

  • Setting up Zoom session(s), during which I teach you how to do your own follow-up research with Italian records.

  • My offering guidance on future travel to Italy, so you could make the most of a potential visit to your ancestral village(s).

Discounted Added Fee: $50

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