After a year of pandemic strangeness tinged with fear and isolation, society is poised for change like we’ve never seen in our lifetimes. Still, there remains much suffering that stems from Covid (the economy, hunger, mental anguish, etc.) and many organizations are focused on those needs. However, when choosing a nonprofit related to last week’s post, I decided that medical care was the primary element I wanted to address. As long as this disease threatens our individual and collective health, the light at the end of the tunnel will continue to evade us. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières has long been a salve for health crises on the planet, and I’m grateful to be able to support them.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MFS) has been responding to health crises worldwide for 50 years. Founded in France, they have offices in 21 countries, making them ready to respond to a wide variety of health issues around the globe. They go exactly where the help is needed most, and with their considerable resources, they are able to create both ongoing *and* emergency response programs. True to their mission, MFS is dealing broadly with the Covid-19 pandemic even as they currently respond to deadly outbreaks in Brazil and South Africa. It’s no surprise that MFS won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 for its humanitarian work.

This past year has provided plenty of time to reflect on how interconnected we all are, and how our health and survival depend on one another. And if Covid-19 offers us practice for future pandemics, we will want well-organized, science-based nonprofits like MFS ready to serve humanity. That’s why I’m thrilled to support them, especially under the current circumstances. Although my world is quite limited these days, it feels good to know I’m contributing to MFS’s efforts around the globe. I welcome you to join me, or if making a donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières doesn’t resonate with you, perhaps there’s a more local nonprofit that does. Whatever we each do, let’s bring this chapter in our history to a close so we can look forward to better days.