I hope everyone is enjoying the season of gratitude & light, despite the challenges all around us. This post is a break from the usual theme of Becoming Better People (BBP) to share a quick update on my latest writing pursuits (below).
I’ve been itching to expand my writing beyond BBP, which includes migrating my posts to Medium. That doesn’t mean I’m abandoning this blog or the sentiments behind it! I will still re-publish appropriate pieces here and will continue to send out a quarterly newsletter.
Medium is a great fit for my work, as a publishing platform that supports independent writers of every stripe. Because it is a mecca for the written word, it has millions of monthly readers. For a writer, that’s like swimming in an ocean of growth (and earning) potential—as opposed to my blog, which is a lovely remote island in the cyber-sea!
I’ve been working on a piece for Medium about the big divide in our culture regarding vaccines and the pandemic, and the grief it’s causing so many of us. Similar to the cultural divide that shook me after the 2016 election (which was the original impetus for this blog), the “dual realities” surrounding the pandemic have prompted me to find ways of minimizing despair. This is written and presented as a Medium “mini-series” called Making Sense of Dual-ing Realities and explores reframing and paradoxical thinking.

I hope you’ll take a look at the mini-series and that it provides you with useful ideas and insights. The links in the images above are subscription-free for “friends & family”, so you won’t need to be a subscriber to read them.
However, if you are curious about Medium (as a reader or a writer), please consider becoming a member ($50/year or $5/month). You’ll gain full access to independent ad-free writing on countless topics you can curate to your liking. If you do choose to join Medium, I welcome you to use this link, which will tie back to payments for my work—and will be part of my donations to the nonprofits I support here on Becoming Better People.
I hope to “see” you on Medium, where you can follow me here, or I will see you on Becoming Better People soon. In the meanwhile, have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!
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